Players have multiple ways to Boost virtual rent.

Ad boosts: Players can boost virtual rent for free using ads. Each ad watched boosts virtual rent for an hour, and players can stack up to six ads at once. Click the Boost button in the upper right corner of the map to boost virtual rent. Please note: different countries offer different boost rates. Which boost rate applies to a certain boost is determined by where the player is located when they click "Boost". If you are not able to watch any ads, please ensure you do not have any sort of ad-blocking application running while playing Atlas Earth.  

Passport boosts: Players can permanently boost their virtual rent by a small percentage when they collect badges to fill their passport. Each passport level boosts virtual rent by an additional 5%. These boosts are permanent and always on. They stack with ad boosts.

Super Rent Boost Event: The SRB event is a limited-time event where players can watch an ad for a super high boost rate. The SRB event is available to all players, regardless of parcel count. Players can turn on game notifications to be informed when an SRB event is taking place.